Saturday, February 4, 2012

Clare's Visit

Clare and I went to the Chicago Cultural Center.  This is some of the Tiffany glass encrusted marble that adorns the place.  This building used to be the public library at one time.  If it still were the library, I could see myself spending a lot of time in this room. I took the millennium ice rink picture and the view of Chicago buildings from Michigan avenue on our way to the Art Institute.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The little things

I took my new camera for a little adventure around my apartment.  I captured these pictures with 18mm-55mm, manual focus.  The precision surprised me, since it almost looks like I used a macro lens.  I've realized that the drama you can create in the pics with manual focus, just doesn't show up with auto focus.  Plus, what fun is auto-focus when you're got manual focus, right? ;) 
It rained today.  From my apartment I took a few fun rain drop shots.  I don't have time to upload them to my blog tonight, but I can't wait to get to them as soon as possible.